This is 12 acres of beautiful Tea land located at the central Province of Srilanka, the land is part of a Tea Estate named Belwood Estate
its located just 2 km from the GALAHA town, joining to the DELTOTA road, to be more precise the land is located Just few meters from the
GALAHA Arts collage on the same road, The Coordinates are Exactly (7.210724 N and 80.682902 E).
This land was nourished with pure A grade Tea crops few years before, but since then there were no cultivation happened, so now the land
looks almost like a bare land the existing Tea crops and some valuable trees like OAK tree, Banyan Tree,pine tree, Turpentine tree etc... still remains on this land its looks greenish like a rain forest.
This land is considered to be golden land for cultivation, where as the soil is enriched with all necessary minerals and nutrition's